Learning Thinking SCOPE

The Learning Thinking SCOPE supports teams to consider deeply the role of thinking in learning. It provides a clear methodology for developing a schoolwide system for learning improvement. Collective efficacy powers and focusses the Learning Thinking SCOPE because it has a high correlative relationship with school wide learning improvement. Further and equally importantly, use of the Learning Thinking SCOPE over time deepens teacher thinking and understanding about how learning happens.

The SCOPE is a pedagogical framework focussing on evidence-informed classroom strategies and is organised into four interrelated elements:
They are:

Who: Whole School Teaching Teams

This suite of courses focusses on standards: 2.1.2, 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, 3.5.2, 5.1.2, 5.2.2, 6.2.2, and 7.4.2. The program is completed over 24 to 36 months.

LT SCOPE supports teams to:
•  Deepen research knowledge
•  Build skills in and use of evidence-informed classroom strategies
•  Build a cycle of collective inquiry
•  Regularly assess their impact
•  Build collective teacher efficacy

Model and Costs
Program Delivery: The program is delivered on-site. There are whole day and 3-hour workshop options.
Program Materials: $150 per person.
Program Costs: Contact us to discuss a model for your school. Variables include participant numbers, location and structure of program.


Learning Thinking SCOPE

  • Why initiate, build and sustain collective teacher efficacy?
  • What evidence-informed strategies make a significant difference to learning outcomes?
  • Why focus on Learning Thinking?
  • What is the evidence of learning? Why do we need it? How do we get it?
  • How will we know our impact? How do we measure our success?

Learning Clarity

  • What do we want our students to know and be able to do…via the syllabus…by when?
  • How do we develop learner understanding of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria?
  • How and when do we use Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to drive Learning Thinking?
  • How will we know our impact? How will we measure our success?

Coaching and Action Learning

Thinking Questions

  • What is our pedagogy of questioning?
  • How do we ask questions and use strategies to develop a Community of Inquiry?
  • How do we use Thinking Questions to drive Learning Thinking?
  • How will we know our impact? How will we measure our success?

Coaching and Action Learning

Thinking Talk

  • What is our pedagogy of questioning?
  • How do we ask questions and use strategies to develop a Community of Inquiry?
  • How do we use Thinking Questions to drive Learning Thinking?
  • How will we know our impact? How will we measure our success?

Coaching and Action Learning

Thinking Feedback

  • What is our pedagogy of feedback?
  • What are our feedback systems and who’s involved?
  • How do we use Thinking Feedback to drive Learning Thinking?
  • How will we know our impact? How will we measure our success?

Coaching and Action Learning

The Coaching and Action Learning Components can be facilitated by SCHMIC Consultants or by your own team who are undertaking the requisite modules from ACTE.